
Industrial Spray Washers

This process employs the use of a pump and piping that transfers chemical solutions from a tank to a set of risers inside of the wash cabinet. Attached to the risers are nozzles which spray a jet or swirl of the wash solution onto the part that physically, as well as chemically remove soils. Impingement on the part is what gives spray washers the high efficiency required for cleaning or pretreatment.

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The Trimac Legacy

In 1986, Kemac Power Spray Systems was founded to manufacture aqueous (water based) cleaning equipment. Its mission was to solve the growing problem manufacturers were having using solvents to clean their parts. Because of environmental concerns, manufacturers wanted to find a way to maintain the same cleanliness standards but without the generation of hazardous waste from the solvent disposal. Kemac’s designs were to clean parts from precision to industrial applications using water-based cleaning. Kemac being one of the first aqueous parts washer manufacturers, soon had shipped machines worldwide. As the company grew, it also expanded its product range from cabinet designs for batch cleaning to flow through washers for inline applications.